Consulting Services

Small Business Consulting


As a small business consultant. We bring our enterprise professional consulting experience in working with fortune 500 companies to small businesses. Our responsibility is to analyze new and small businesses, create solutions to problems, and help businesses develop efficient solutions for meeting their business goals and objectives. My team will perform a risk assessment of your business needs and provide best business practices, methodologies, or suggest frameworks to guide your business in the right direction to improve your organizations departments performance and efficiency. These services include but are not limited to; Business Development, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, IT Solutions and more. We provide business owners with tangible best practices to optimize efficiencies that are easy to implement and if followed are proven to gain a higher ROI. relations campaign.

Business Development Consulting


As a Business Development Consultant we provide a risk assessment of your current marketing/lead generation strategy. We collaborate on successes, challenges, and weaknesses to determine and develop relevant solutions. We understand with these responsibilities, we play a crucial role in your company's growth and success. Our primary goal is to help you grow to gain a higher ROI for your company and employees.

Marketing Consulting


As a marketing consultant our responsibility is to provide a risk assessment of your current marketing audit and strategy. Our goal is to review your current business budget goals and objectives and provide a detailed marketing plan in order for you to achieve your annual budget goals. This can include, review of social media pages, brand & design, charity events, public relations, advertising, and occasionally review of the companies current website. Our goal is to provide practical implementation strategies, business plans, and resources in an effort to enable you to reach your companies goals and objectives.

Professional Growth Coaching


With our Professional Coaching and Development our goal is to create employee collaboration, improve employee engagement, boost confidence, increase retention, strength relationships, and, most of all, help you invest in your employees so they can reach their highest potential. We offer various different coaching and training platforms to choose from. During our initial discovery session. We will ask qualifying questions that will help us identify what your companies needs and wants are. Most of all, we will have fun bringing your team together. While they are learning about themselves and their co-workers. Additionally, your team will be left with visual reminders of their personality and preferred working style. We look forward to bringing your team together for this exciting event.

Personal Growth Coaching


With our team, we will meet with you and you have a choice of a team of personal coaches that you would best like to work with. During our personal coaching sessions, we will work with you in the areas of your choice. Personal relationships and personal growth, Spiritual growth, business, career, finances, and health. We provide coaching, accountability, and most of all a network of amazing people who we refer to as our community. Our goal as your personal coach is to enable you to set goals, take action, and make better decisions for your life. Whether that be your attitude, relationship, career, or simply falling in love with you by using your own natural strengths.

Charitable Consulting


We work with over 20+ non profit organizations in the upstate. Our goal is to connect you with the non profit of your choice and provide services desired to assist in donation process. This could include creating, organization, planning, executing charity events. Our goal is to help you understand your charity donation goals, help you determine which non profits you would like to invest in and bridge the networking/connection gap. In an effort to help you give back to the organization that you feel most passionate about giving back to.